Why Amazon Chose Anthropic’s Claude Over Its Own AI

Amazon is preparing to unveil a new version of its voice assistant, Alexa, that is powered primarily by Anthropic’s Claude AI models, rather than its own AI technology. This revamped Alexa, set for release in October, represents a significant shift in strategy for the online retail giant as it aims to bolster the capabilities of its virtual assistant and potentially generate new revenue streams. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the decision to use Claude AI came after initial versions of Alexa using Amazon’s in-house AI software struggled to meet performance expectations. As the holiday season approaches, Amazon is betting on the new “Remarkable” Alexa to revitalize its presence in the competitive AI landscape and demonstrate its ability to drive sales.

This article delves into the strategic reasons behind Amazon’s decision, the anticipated features and pricing of the new Alexa, the potential challenges and opportunities it presents, and its broader implications for the future of AI-powered voice assistants.

Amazon’s Strategic Shift: From In-House AI to Anthropic’s Claude

Moving Beyond Amazon’s Own AI

Amazon’s decision to rely on Anthropic’s Claude AI models for the new Alexa marks a departure from its traditional strategy of developing its own technology in-house. Historically, Amazon has preferred to build its own tools to maintain control over user experience, data collection, and customer relationships. However, in this case, the company’s internal AI models were found lacking in performance, prompting Amazon to look externally for a more robust solution.

Why Claude AI?

Anthropic’s Claude, an advanced generative AI chatbot, performed significantly better than Amazon’s internal models in initial tests. Sources indicate that the in-house software struggled to generate timely and coherent responses, sometimes taking six or seven seconds to reply to a user prompt. In contrast, Claude demonstrated a higher level of conversational ability and quicker response times, which are critical for maintaining user engagement in real-time voice interactions.

  • Generative AI Capabilities: Claude AI’s advanced natural language processing capabilities allow it to handle complex queries more effectively, providing nuanced, context-aware responses that mimic human conversation.
  • Performance Efficiency: The ability of Claude AI to deliver responses almost instantaneously aligns with Amazon’s need to improve Alexa’s responsiveness, a key factor in user satisfaction and adoption.

The Role of Anthropic in Amazon’s AI Strategy

Amazon’s collaboration with Anthropic is not just a technical decision but also a strategic move to align itself with a partner that shares its commitment to responsible AI development. Anthropic, which received a $4 billion investment from Amazon, is known for its focus on ethical AI practices. By leveraging Claude AI, Amazon not only enhances Alexa’s capabilities but also aligns itself with a partner that prioritizes the safe and ethical deployment of AI technologies.

Introducing the “Remarkable” Alexa: Features and Pricing

The new version of Alexa, internally known as “Remarkable,” is expected to offer enhanced capabilities compared to the classic, free version. This upgraded version is set to debut in October, with a preview during Amazon’s annual devices and services event, typically held in September.

Key Features of the “Remarkable” Alexa

  1. Advanced Conversational Abilities: The “Remarkable” Alexa will be equipped with generative AI that enables it to carry on multi-turn conversations with users, building on prior questions and answers. This feature will make interactions more natural and engaging, similar to speaking with a human.
  2. Complex Query Handling: The upgraded Alexa is designed to handle more complex queries. For instance, users can ask for personalized shopping advice, such as which clothes to buy for a vacation, or request aggregated news stories based on their interests. It can also execute more complicated commands, like drafting emails or ordering food from a single prompt.
  3. Enhanced Smart Home Integration: The new Alexa will serve as a supercharged home automation hub. It is expected to remember user preferences to automate daily tasks, such as setting morning alarms or recording favorite TV shows, without requiring repeated instructions.
  4. Improved Personalization: Leveraging Claude AI’s capabilities, the new Alexa will offer a higher level of personalization, learning from user interactions to provide more tailored recommendations and responses over time.

Pricing Model: A Shift Toward Monetization

Amazon plans to charge between $5 and $10 per month for access to the “Remarkable” version of Alexa. This is a significant change from the current model, where Alexa is offered for free as a standard feature on Amazon devices such as Echo speakers and Fire TV.

  • Monetization Strategy: By introducing a paid version, Amazon aims to create a new revenue stream and make Alexa a profitable venture. This move also reflects Amazon’s broader strategy to diversify its income sources beyond traditional e-commerce.
  • Market Response: There is skepticism among Amazon employees and industry analysts regarding whether users will be willing to pay $60 to $120 annually for a service that has been free, especially given the existing cost of Prime memberships. However, Amazon is betting that the enhanced capabilities of the new Alexa will justify the price for many consumers.

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead


  1. Consumer Adoption: Convincing consumers to pay for a service that has traditionally been free will be a significant hurdle. Amazon will need to demonstrate clear value in the enhanced features of the “Remarkable” Alexa to justify the cost.
  2. Performance and Reliability: The success of the new Alexa will depend heavily on its performance. If the technology fails to meet internal benchmarks or does not deliver a superior user experience, it could undermine Amazon’s efforts to compete with rival AI products like Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft’s Cortana.
  3. Data Privacy and Security Concerns: With AI-powered voice assistants handling increasingly complex tasks, including potentially sensitive information, Amazon will need to ensure robust data privacy and security measures to maintain consumer trust.
  4. Regulatory Scrutiny: The collaboration with Anthropic has attracted regulatory attention, particularly from the UK’s antitrust regulator. This scrutiny could delay or complicate the rollout of the new Alexa, depending on the outcomes of the investigation.


  1. Differentiation in a Competitive Market: By leveraging Claude AI, Amazon has the opportunity to set Alexa apart from competitors by offering a more advanced and versatile virtual assistant.
  2. Enhanced Revenue Potential: The subscription model presents a new revenue opportunity for Amazon, especially if it can convince a significant percentage of its existing Alexa user base to upgrade to the paid version.
  3. Expanded Use Cases: The improved capabilities of the new Alexa could open up new use cases, from smart home automation to personal productivity, potentially increasing its appeal and adoption.
  4. Partnership Leverage: By partnering with Anthropic, Amazon can gain early access to cutting-edge AI technologies, enhancing its innovation pipeline and maintaining its competitive edge in the fast-evolving AI landscape.

The Competitive Landscape: Keeping Up with Rivals

Amazon’s decision to revamp Alexa comes in response to the rapid advancements made by rivals in the AI space. The release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late 2022 triggered a surge of interest and investment in generative AI, prompting major tech companies like Microsoft and Apple to strike partnerships to integrate AI into their products.

  • Microsoft and OpenAI: Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI to incorporate ChatGPT into its products, such as the Azure cloud platform and Office Suite, has set a high bar for conversational AI. Similarly, Apple has integrated OpenAI technology to enhance its own virtual assistant, Siri.
  • Amazon’s Catch-Up Game: According to sources, the emphasis within Amazon’s Alexa team has shifted from innovation driven by customer needs to keeping pace with competitors. This change underscores the urgency Amazon feels to update Alexa’s capabilities to remain relevant.

The Role of Panos Panay: New Leadership at Amazon Devices

The upcoming release of the “Remarkable” Alexa will also mark the first major public appearance of Panos Panay, Amazon’s new head of devices. Panay, who replaced long-time executive David Limp last year, brings a fresh perspective to Amazon’s hardware strategy. His leadership will be closely watched as he navigates the challenges of launching the new Alexa and other devices.

  • Potential Shifts in Strategy: Panay’s appointment could signal a shift in Amazon’s devices strategy, potentially focusing more on innovation and customer experience than purely on catching up with rivals.
  • New Product Announcements: The September event, where Amazon is expected to preview the new Alexa, will provide insights into Panay’s vision for Amazon’s hardware division and how it plans to compete in the increasingly crowded AI marketplace.

Market Potential: Monetizing Alexa’s User Base

Bank of America analyst Justin Post estimated in June that there are approximately 100 million active Alexa users, and about 10% of these users might opt for the paid version. At the lower end of the pricing spectrum, this could generate at least $600 million in annual sales.

  • Revenue Projections: If Amazon successfully converts even a small percentage of its existing user base to the paid version, the revenue potential is substantial. Moreover, if the enhanced Alexa proves popular, it could attract new users, further expanding the market.
  • Scaling Challenges: However, achieving these targets will depend on Amazon’s ability to scale the service without compromising quality, as well as its success in overcoming the challenges related to consumer adoption and regulatory scrutiny.

Conclusion: A Crucial Year for Alexa

Amazon’s decision to release a revamped, paid version of Alexa powered by Anthropic’s Claude AI models marks a pivotal moment for the company’s AI strategy. As 2024 approaches, Amazon is under pressure to demonstrate that Alexa can not only compete with its rivals but also generate meaningful revenue.

The move to partner with Anthropic, rather than relying solely on in-house technology, reflects a willingness to adapt and evolve in the face of competitive pressures. However, significant challenges remain, from convincing consumers to pay for a previously free service to navigating regulatory scrutiny and ensuring robust performance.

As Amazon prepares to unveil the “Remarkable” Alexa, the stakes are high. Success could position Amazon as a leader in the AI-powered voice assistant market, while failure could reinforce the perception that Alexa is lagging behind its competitors. Either way, the coming months will be critical for determining the future trajectory of Amazon’s AI ambitions.


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